Monday, September 18, 2006

Eternal Conflict

The ABVP raised a furore over the alleged session at some convent in Lucknow claiming that the school officials were trying to convert kids by doing all sorts of mumbo-jumbo.. whatever might have actually happened at the school, certain questions have arisen out of this incident.. Should schools really indulge in religious education?? Should they make/ask students to follow religious practices (of their own religion or that of the school)?
Considering the fact that we cant vote till we are aged 18, I wonder if nudging kids towards a specific religion in school is correct!! Of course, none of them would even come close to agreeing that they were doing anything wrong!

Now, i've known (hindu) friends who've developed a kind of aversion to sporting a Bindhi or flowers in their hair quite simply because their schools (christian mission schools) forbade them to do so.. This might seem trivial but in essence it does lead to changing the kids' mindset towards 'its own religion'more later.. apms acalling..

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