Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pissing it all Away!!!

Anybody who has been in India for a stretch of time would have seen one striking feature of the ppl here! the propensity of ppl, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, age and sex, to enrich the street corners and dust bins with their... ahem.. holy water, shall we say.. From the time that i can remember, ppl here have been using the streets as if they were their personal lavatories! utter lack of public and personal hygiene... no wonder so many diseases spread so frequently and freely in our cities and towns.. and if it rains! god help us! we all know how effective our drains are in taking away rainwater.. and when everything mixes to form an effectively sewer substitute and enters households during heavy rains, well, obv ppl will succumb to diseases.
I wonder why neither the police nor the public raises any concerns regarding this... it is after all their own city/town and their own streets.. shouldnt they be the ones who tell ppl not to commit such nuisance!! even police personnel are guilty of such a 'crime'... wonder when ppl will grow up and start using streets for the purpose they're supposed to serve..
The only way these utterly deplorable practices can be stopped is by educating people about the hazards involved and basic hygiene.. will it be done?? or as almost every other matter of public interest, will it be continue to be ignored till it rears up in a big way one day and catches us unawares!


Anonymous said...

On some vetti day, when you have nothing to do, it's not a wonder how you get to think of such stuff and write about it:)

Sriram said...

show your face you equally vetti fellow!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can empathize with this...

Or, perhaps not. :D

Sriram said...

yeah, to some extent.. not entirely..

SANJ said...

some road or the other has been our personal lavatory at some pt of time ;-)

ppl digging their noses,scratching crotch and butt in public,spitting to glory,watering plants on the roadside . . . .

who cares abt all these in ranganathan street . . .

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